"At the present political moment, the thrust of the Left’s argument in defense of the most egregious moral abominations are centered around America’s alleged nature as a hyper-individualistic “live and let live” political order. "

It seems like the opposite is also, at least with the rhetoric used during the covid nonsense. The left was pushing many terrible policies and using language of "the common good" to sell it. Granted, they also tried appeals to individual freedoms (you can go outside again if you just get the jab...)

The covid example also makes me wonder what a response from this more communalism approach would be. I was very much in the libertarian camp going into 2020, and have started the move away seeing how powerless it was to even respond to it, much less stop it. But it did have the rhetorical simplicity of saying that forced lockdowns, tests, jabs, and other medical procedures was a rights violation. From a communalism standpoint, how do you argue against such things (assuming you are against them)? It seems like something intuitively wrong to me, but I struggle to frame it outside of an individual rights standpoint.

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You're not wrong. The modern-day Left is extremely collectivist and anti-individual (and have been ever since FDR's minions were making the case for the New Deal), as are virtually all of the online defenders of socialism and outright communism. It is right to think that the best strategy to fight the culture war is NOT to fight collectivism with more collectivism. Just because it's a different kind of collectivism (whether it be by class, family, race, politics, etc) doesn't mean they don't all share the same ultimate foundation -- and if you share the same ultimate foundation with a worldview you claim to be utterly against, just how different are you when it's all said and done?

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“Those who want merely to be left alone, to remove themselves from the jurisdiction of the central authority, under-appreciate the extent to which the power-seeking Left will not stop until all dissenting communities are crushed.”

I do not think I am a libertarian any more . However the older I have grown with more life experience I have come to see the wisdom in what you write especially in this quote. We stand Idley by as the waves of the left wash and erode the very “ideas and beliefs we hold” crucifix ting those that do not mold to their ideas of the individual in todays society. You can really see the lack of community in the rot that is our urban cities today.

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Excellent! Definitely going to read this book soon!

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