Mr. Engel, what’s r2k?

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Radical Two Kingdoms. It's basically a reference to the type of Two Kingdoms framework that has come out of Westminster Seminary in Escondido over the last few decades in their interaction with the Neo-Calvinists and Theonomists.

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[Common R2K sentiment: “The historical record of Christendom shows that very bad things happened under its watch.” Wait until you hear about post-Christendom. Very bad things happening is the essence of the human drama. The abuse of something does not render the thing inherently abusive and the abolition of that thing has led to even worse things.]

Which doesn't change the fact that theonomy and/or the marriage of church and state has failed (to the ultimate detriment of the Gospel) every. single. time. it's been tried and attempted. How long does the proverbial battered girlfriend have to return to the proverbial abusive boyfriend just to have him do the same thing over and over again before realizing that's not the best course of action? I definitely don't claim to have all the answers, and I definitely don't advocate the radical R2K position of withdrawing from politics/society/culture altogether -- but I think there's a fundamental reason why the Bible never tells us how to set up a Nation-State under the New Covenant administration.

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Very well done. I’m spreading around my circles. This is what we need

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