This is a very good essay. Digestible, but long enough to say what has to be said. A longer discussion of Hobbes may come from me at some point. But there's a lot of common ground here, particularly as you say that Hobbes did not intend to "secularize", that he was above all a realist.
This is a very good essay. Digestible, but long enough to say what has to be said. A longer discussion of Hobbes may come from me at some point. But there's a lot of common ground here, particularly as you say that Hobbes did not intend to "secularize", that he was above all a realist.
I think I'm happy now to have put to essay my overall approach to Hobbes, and now I can focus more on the more traditionalist aspects of my predilections.
This is a very good essay. Digestible, but long enough to say what has to be said. A longer discussion of Hobbes may come from me at some point. But there's a lot of common ground here, particularly as you say that Hobbes did not intend to "secularize", that he was above all a realist.
I think I'm happy now to have put to essay my overall approach to Hobbes, and now I can focus more on the more traditionalist aspects of my predilections.