The Trouble with Lower Case blm
When the Regime attacks you, don't fall back into the Regime's rhetoric to justify yourself before the Regime.
Recently there was that case of the soccer player—Kiersten Hening— at Virginia Tech who refused to bend the knee for BLM, to the outrage of her coach who ended up benching her. She sued, and won. Good for her for refusing, and good for her for getting the bullies at her university to cough up a hundred grand.
She is a case study however—in the same way that Kyle Rittenhouse was—of someone who, having survived the wrath of those who specialize in mass Narrative Alignment, tries to make a nuanced distinction between BLM the organization and black lives matter as an “idea.”
The Blaze reports:
While Hening indicated in her lawsuit that she "supports social justice and believes ... black lives matter," she "does not support BLM the organization," taking issue with its "tactics and core tenets of its mission statement, including defunding the police."