After the Perry decision, I was seeing comments such as these about Austin, TX.
Here’s the deal though: it’s not just that it’s a “liberal run city.” This is also the result of the liberalism of postwar Conservatism. Where organic, rooted, familial-based true culture is replaced with consumerism, “capitalism” (whatever that means), and the colorblind multicultural tolerant society.
What is going on in Texas is basically inevitable. It is reflective of the transformation of American society at large. You cannot seriously expect to keep consumerism and technological innovation developing with absurd rapidity, and not have your society fall apart. This is because societies are strengthened by continuity over generations and the type of rootedness and locality completely at odds with universalist capitalism.
The Texas government in the last few years was bragging about Elon Musk basing his empire there. But how could a billionaire futurist from across the globe have the incentive structure to preserve a Texan heritage? It is Republicans, not Democrats, pushing for this.
The whole thing, like postwar American society, is a sick joke.
Texas was once a land of the hero, the rugged adventurer, the man-and-family settler model. Now it’s the land of shopping, suburbanism, and tech-innovation.