Liberalism is the Ideology of Western Suicide
Deconstructing our myths and legends is a means of cultural genocide
I spend most my day building trailers at my shop—and sometimes dealing with business stuff like sales and company development. The majority of this time is spent with my mind in the realm of topics I’d like to write about, based on my readings from the morning or evening prior. Every hour I’ll formulate it into a Tweet and shoot it off to the internet hoards. But I really do want to write more. Even if it’s short. I will try to do better.
The feminist and liberal outrage over American Reformer’s publication of a great essay by Joe Rigney was motivated by the editorial decision to feature the image of Perseus holding up Medusa’s head. Of course, the hysterics cried out, an essay justifying anti-female patriarchal fascism would include images of violence against a rape victim.
What we see here is the result of the long road of the cultural deconstruction project that largely came about in the 1960s, permeated through the academic institutions (see Roger Kimball’s Tenured Radicals), and finally trickled down into mass consciousness. While a few conservatives and traditionalists warned of this day, few actually understood the implications of the academic world undergoing a radicalization process decades ago and the long term effects this would have on citizenry at large.
Immigration and the importing of foreign peoples into our nation is tearing us apart, but we must remember the extent to which the descendants of heritage America too have been completely reconstructed in mind and soul. The spirit of Jacobinism: the urge to tear down our deep history and build a glorious future on its ruins, has manifested itself in the spirit both of non-Westerners and Westerners alike. It’s hard to overstate the uphill battle that defenders of Western culture have before them— I’m not convinced it’s actually possible to overcome.
In any case, I noted the following in reflection to the outrage:
Deconstruction is when you go back through a culture’s myths, legends, heroes, and villains and apply the social priorities of the present age so as to undermine the hold that those legends have on the making of a culture. The purpose of deconstruction is to make us sympathize with the villains and despise the heroes. It’s the essence of cultural Jacobinsim and the same spirit that seeks to topple and disorder our love for our past.
What I’m trying to get across here is that unreconstructed Western man is the product of his deep culture. The stories and legends that shape our moral sentiments and configure the way we order our world precede our rational judgements of them. The human soul is crafted by things that are more deeply rooted than “facts and logic.” Social revolutionaries of all ages are successful to the extent that they weaponize rationalistic tools against the sentiments and deep instincts of man so as to sever him from the past that shaped him without his awareness. Without, even, his permission and consent.
One of the lessons of stories like Perseus and Medusa (and by the way, it was the Roman Ovid who centuries after the Greek myth integrated the Medusa as product of rape origin story) is that monsters are birthed from monstrosities. This doesn’t mean the monsters are not monstrous, or threats to the vitality of the realm; rather it means that we live in a dark world with dark realities. But regardless of the lesson in the myth, deconstruction is intent on opening up the hero-legend complex for debate. Those structures of cultural meaning that were once taken for granted, are now laid bare before ideological surgeons who want to rationally take apart the soul of a culture.
The intent of this deconstruction for some is nefarious, of course. Those who hate the West delight in the achievements of deconstruction. They call it Progress. Often enough, however, its participants are convinced that identifying the pre-rational aspects of a people and purging them of their un-enlightened inclinations are the path to a better, more moral and just, social order. Either way, the outcome is a complex of death, emptiness, and all the symptoms that go along with man severed from the culture that shaped him.
Liberalism, especially in the twentieth century, has proven to be a force that is simply agnostic—even nihilistic—about the severing of man from his Deep Past. The flood of invaders at the border, and across the borders of Western Europe, are not filled with liberal ideological inclinations. The liberalism is in the mind of the host countries that open up their doors to the cultural transformation that must ensue as millions of anti-Westerners pour in. The liberalism is flaunted by the Western peoples who no longer care about having their civilization deconstructed by those that hate it. Liberalism allows for critical theory to surgically disassemble the fragile complex of stories, moral sentiments, understandings of heroism and courage, and judgements of good and evil.
Liberalism is not the enemy at the gate. Liberalism is the refusal to admit the existence of enemies. And the goodness of gates.
Liberalism, as James Burnham summarized, is the ideology of Western suicide. Liberalism has as a foundational aspect of its own ethos the refusal to use political and hegemonic means to prevent enemies from taking over its institutions. Liberalism inherently ensures that the political and mind-formation institutions of the West cannot politically defend themselves from those who would seek the destruction of our culture.
The liberal cannot see what is happening in the phenomenon of deconstruction. They allow the deconstructionists to set Perseus aflame and to uphold Medusa because they don’t understand the cataclysmic affects of tearing down the myths upon which a Deep Culture stands. What do you think this effort of flipping hero and monster is meant to do? It’s meant to declare war on Westerners as a self-conscious people.
T R U T H •••